



Arsise noorte käsikellade ansambel

ERP 3910

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An exciting performing of classical hits by Arsis Youth Handbell Ensembles. The festive bronze sound of the bells gives a new dimension to the well-known pieces.

1 I Albeniz / arr J Meredith Legenda 5:53
2 P I Tchaikovsky / arr V Soonberg June − Autumn Song (from The Four Seasons) 5:36
3 P I Tchaikovsky / arr V Soonberg October − Barcarolle (from The Four Seasons) 3:48
4 G Fr Händel / arr M L Thompson Sinfonia 3:09
5 P I Tchaikovsky / arr K McChesney Overture 3:41
6 P I Tchaikovsky / arr W H Griffin Marche 2:38
7 L Gillis Pick a Winner 1:42
8 M Helman Nocturne 4:42
9 A Khachaturian / arr M L Thompson Sabre Dance (from ballet Gayane) 2:27
10 G Fr Händel / arr F L Callahan Largo (from Xerxes) 2:51
11 J Brahms / arr M L Thompson Hungarian Dance No 5 2:24
12 M Barnett / arr D K Hakes Breathe 3:09
13 K L Buckwalter Valse le adieux 5:07
14 Israeli folk song / arr D F Smith Hava Nagila 3:05
15 T Albinoni  / arr K McChesney Adagio (from Trio Sonata) 4:19
16 P I Tchaikovsky / arr Fr Gramann Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy 2:02
17 P I Tchaikovsky / arr W H Griffin Trepak 1:15

player #4, Albeniz. Legenda, fragm, 127 sec, mp3
player #13, Tchaikovsky. October – Autumn Song, fragm, 141 sec, mp3

Performed by Arsis Youth Handbell Ensembles: “olders” (#1−9) and “youngers” (#10−17)
Conducted by Aivar Mäe
Recorded: Apr 10th−11th, 2010 in Swedish St Michael’s Church, Tallinn
Engineered and mastered by Tanel Klesment
Photos by Viljo Pettinen
Designed by Piret Mikk
Texts translated by Tiina Jokinen
Management by Tiina Kodumäe
Recording supervisor – Peeter Vähi
Scores published by Harold Flammer Inc (#1), Meredith Music Press (#4), Jeffers Handbell Suply Inc (#5, 17), AGEHR (#6−9, 12, 16), Agape (#10, 11), Warner Bros Publications Inc (#13), Beckenhorst Press Inc (#14, 15)

DDD, Stereo
© Arsis & ERP
ERP 3910

ImagetextThe roots of handbells as musical instruments go back to the 17th century England where the first miniature copies of church bells were cast. First designed as practice instruments for the carillon players, they soon acquired the status of independent musical instruments called handbells. The heyday of the handbells was the 18th century when most self-respecting and cultured citizens of England practiced handbell music. Those, in the meantime obsolete instruments, are claiming more and more popularity in today’s world.
Handbell music tradition in Estonia had its beginning in 1993 with the foundation of Arsis Handbell Ensemble. The youth groups presented on the current CD have grown out of Arsis Handbell School, all the players being selected alumni. The older staff of the Youth Ensemble has been performing since 2003, and has toured Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and the USA. The younger one, formed in 2006, has by today given a number of concerts in Estonia and Finland. The conductor of the ensembles is the artistic director and the founder of Arsis Handbell School maestro Aivar Mäe.

Imagetext  Imagetext

ImagetextAivar Mäe (b 1960) − the artistic director of Handbell Ensemble Arsis. He acquired his musical education at Tallinn Music High School and Estonian Academy of Music where he studied choral conducting with Prof Ants Sööt. In his youth Aivar Mäe was the vocal soloist of the pop-rock group Vitamiin. Later he has been working with several choirs in Estonia as well as abroad − in Sweden and the USA. He has been the leader of international choir festivals, also running seminars for choral music. In 1992, Aivar Mäe studied in the USA for a year and a half improving his knowledge at the music department of Portland University with Prof Bruce Brown. 1999−2009 he has been working as the general manager of Eesti Kontsert, the National Concert Institute of Estonia, 2004−2006 the general manager of Vanemuine Theatre. Since 2009 he holds the position of general manager of Estonian National Opera. Aivar Mäe is a Honorary Member of the Estonian Society for Music Education.

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