Festival Orient 2005


The first ever concentrated show of oriental music in Estonia, a tradition going back to the year 1992, has brought the most authentic performers from India, Siberia, Middle East, Central Asia, Far East, and South East Asia. It is certainly a leading musical event in the Baltic States where music lovers can enjoy performers like Hariprasad Chaurasia, ensemble “Kodō”, Ravi Shankar, Anoushka Shankar, Jivan Gasparyan, ensemble “Huun-Huur-Tu”, Alim Qasimov, Burhan Öçal, Sevara Nazarkhan, Gyuto and Gyume Buddhist monks, Wu Man, etc. Keep a close eye on our website and advertising – the show goes on.


Artistic director – Peeter Vähi


Tue May 3 at 8 pm Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn
Wed May 4 at 7 pm Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn
Thu May 5 at 7 pm Vanemuine Concert House, Tartu
Fri May 6 at 7 pm Pärnu Concert Hall
Sat May 8 at 7 pm, Great Guild Hall, Riga, Latvia

Xiangkun Opera 32-member group from Hunan province (China)

Program: Congratulations of Golden Monkeys, Qian-yuan Mountain, The Peony Pavilion (牡丹亭), Breaking into the Stronghold, Yan-dang Mountain, Zhong-kui Married Off His Sister, Keeling Before the Pond to Apology, Story of a Snake, Story of a Plum Tree, The Fork in the Road, Holding Back the Bolting Horse, Princess Wang Zhao-jun Leaves for the Frontier to Marry the Ruler of a Tribe

ImagetextThe 700 years old kūnqǔ (崑曲) − a synthesis of drama, opera, ballet and music that has its roots in the ancient Chinese performances dating back to 3000 BC. The kūnqǔ of Hunan province is one of the four most renowned operas in China. The impressive program of the 32-member group consists of the most attractive and characteristic scenes of different performances. In 2001 kūnqǔ opera was included in the list of cultural heritage by UNESCO.

Thu May 5 at 7 pm Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn
Fri May 6 at 7 pm Viljandi Culture Centre
Ensemble Sur Sudha (Nepal): Prem Rana (bamboo flute), Tara Bir Singh Tuladhor (sitār), Surendra Shrestha (tablā)
Ranajit Sengupta (sarod, India) & Aditya Kalyanpur (tablā, India)
Oriental atmosphere, carpets, cushions,  Ceylon tea ceremony, incense, etc

ImagetextImagetextOrient almost never invites artists to perform repeatedly, however, sometimes there is a reason to do that… The supervirtuosos Sengupta and Kalyanpur have charmed the Estonian audience as soloists, as a duo they meet for the first time. The so-called official cultural ambassador of Nepal Sur Sudha offers a survey of the different folk and ritual music traditions of its country.
player Ranajit Sengupta. Raga Jogkauns, fragm, mp3

Fri May 6 at 7 pm Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn (in co-operation with ENSO)
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
Lan Weiwei (pipa, China)
Conductor Scott Yoo (Korea / USA)

ImagetextImagetext3 reputable Far-Eastern composers are represented in this concert: 武満 徹 (Takemitsu Tōru) from Japan (Coming Rain), 譚盾 (Tan Dun) from China (Pipa Concerto) and 윤이상 (Yun I-sang) from Korea (Symphony No 4) who after acquaintance with the Western composition technique have developed an even deeper understanding of their native culture and thus respectively created their own individual style.

player Tan Dun. Pipa Concerto, fragm, mp3

Sat May 7 at 7 pm Ammende Villa, Pärnu
Aladin Abbas (vocal, ud, Egypt)
In co-operation with Ammende Villa

Sat May 7 at 7 pm Tallinn Town Hall
Sun May 8 at 3 pm Kuressaare Culture Centre, Saaremaa island (free entrance)
Adap Passang (vocal, dramnyen, Bhutan)
Chinese Traditional Trio: Zhang Guizhen (vocal), Liu Tianjie (erhu), Qi Zhang (gǔzhēng)

ImagetextImagetextAdap Passang, the royal counselor of His Majesty the King of Bhutan, carries on the living tradition of the Himalayan music that he in his turn has acquired through oral heritage which has been passed on from generation to generation. The forthcoming generations in all probability can listen to the Passang-like authentic musicians only on archive recordings. The traditional trio from China represents a 3000-years-old musical culture. The Chinese have given a cosmic meaning to music: it generates the unity and harmony between Heaven and Earth; “right” music can change peoples’ habits and spirit.

Sun May 8 at 7 pm Estonia Concert Hall
Aladin Abbas (ud, vocal, Egypt)
-dance duo Namrata Pamnani & Shailja Nalwade with live music (India)
Sevara Nazarkhan (vocal) & the band (Uzbekistan)

ImagetextMuslim religion and culture originating from the Arab countries have conquered the Middle East, Central Asia, Northern Africa, Indonesia and a large part of India. The unity of Muslim countries is clearly reflected also in music − modes, ornaments, the use of instruments, genres. One can experience all that in the concert where Egyptian and Uzbek traditional music as well as improvisational artistically skilful kathak dance with its roots in the Persian culture meet. The Egyptian singer and instrumentalist Aladin Abbas masters several Egyptian and Arab styles. The star singer from Uzbekistan Sevara Nazarkhan who has rocketed into the sky of the music world, performs a repertoire inspired by traditional and sufi songs. “The Siren of the Silk Road, hypnotic, heavenly, subtle, unforgettable.” – that is how the world press characterises her. In addition to numerous awards she was given the prestigious title of “Musician of the Year 2004” in the category of World Music by the BBC.
player Sevara Nazarkhan, mp3

ImagetextImagetextBonus-concert: Saint Petersburg (13th July 2005 at 7 pm, Oktyabrski Concert Hall)
Legendary sitār-virtuoso Pandit Ravi Shankar, his daughter Anoushka Shankar (sitār) and Tanmoy Bose (tablā)
Program: rāgas Maru Bihag, Kirwani, Manj Khamaj

Download photos: Living legend Ravi Shankar in St Petersburg (2005, photo by P Vähi, jpg, 300 dpi, 3253 KB), Anoushka in St Petersburg (2005, Photo by P Vähi, jpg, 300 dpi, 3547 KB), Ravi Shankar (jpg, 300 dpi, 832 KB), and Anoushka Shankar (jpg, 300 dpi, 922 KB)

player Ravi Shankar, fragm, mp3

Special thanks: Estonian Cultural Endowment, Ministry of Culture of Estonia, Eesti Kontsert, Scandic Hotels, Embassy of China in Estonia, Embassy of USA in Estonia, Embassy of Estonia in China, Tshering Dhendub, Schubert Daniel, Aleksandrs Nemirovskis, Ene Tohv, Tiina Kangro, Peeter Salmela

Press resonance:

… festivali kõige “ehedam” ja muu maailma muusikast rikkumatum tegelane Adap Passang Bhutanist. Haruldane kogemus kuulata midagi nii lihtsat, siirast ja armsat. Passang laulab ja mängib lautosarnast pilli nimega dramnyen. Laul ja pill kõlavad enamasti unisoonis, rütmiline aktiivsus tuleb muusikasse sõrmetantsust ühel pillikeelel. Nii kerge on ette kujutada mõnda eesti ema oma lapsele samas vaimus unelaulu improviseerimas, kui Passangi spetsiifilised häälenõksud välja arvata. See on see “teine” universaalsus… (Anneli Remme, Teater. Muusika. Kino, 6 / 2005, Estonia)

Tõeline bengali tulevärk vallandus aga kontserdi teises osas, kui lavale astusid üks india väljapaistvamaid sarodivirtuoose Ranajit Sengupta, imelaps, kes jõudis absoluutsesse tippu juba enne kahekümnendat eluaastat, ning india noorema põlvkonna väljapaistev löökpillimängija Aditya Kalyanpur. … hõljuv ja peibutav sarodimäng ning Kalyanpuri vaheldumisi “kikivarvul jalutavad” ja kumedalt “galopeerivad” tablad moodustasid jõulise koostoime, mil võime teadvust üha kaugemate piirideni avardada ja puhastava energiaga laadida. (Urmo Kohv, Muusika, 7 / 2005, Estonia)

Idamaise mõtlemise peenust ja filigraansust võis nautida just enim Toru Takemitsu kammerlikuma koosseisuga teoses “Lähenev vihm”. /…/ Peened aktsendid ja iga detaili väljakuulamine on Takemitsule üldiselt iseloomulikud ja neid jooni rõhutasid ka muusikud oma esituses. Tagantjärele tundubki Takemitsu teose esitus õhtu jooksul kuulduist kõige lihvitum ja viimistletum. Tan Duni pipa-kontserdi juures häiris mitmel korral, kui tutti-aktsendid pidid koos kõlama, aga tulemus oli mõnikord ikkagi muusikaliselt “harali”. (Mirjam Tally, Sirp, 13.05.05, Estonia, whole article)

Tiina Jokinen – management director
Elle Himma – assistant producer
Piret Mikk – designer

Download short information in Estonian language, pdf, 431 KB
Download detailed information in Estonian language, pdf, 5423 KB
playerVideo-clip “Orient 2005”

See also: Orient festivals, Orient presents in 2010, Orient 2011, Orient 2009, Orient presents in 2008, Orient 2007, Orient presents in 2006, Festival archives, Orient in Palmyra (Voices from the Stars Above the Desert), The Path To The Heart Of Asia (CD recorded with featuring musicians of Orient 1992)

player animated logo of Orient