


René Eespere

ERP 3209

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It is as if the motives left open in the music of René Eespere beg the question: who am I in the midst of this mortal world? And this is his way to uncompromisingly represent the ethical art of the past.


1 Tres in unum for flute, violin and guitar 7:43
2 Epigram III for baritone and piano 5:11
3 Immutatio for guitar 9:11
4 Februarium for 2 cellos and piano 10:33
5 Ambitus for flute, harp, celesta, violin, viola and cello 6:26
6 Ludus tactus for piano 5:54
7 Flatus III for woodwind quintet 8:10
8 Epigram VI for soprano, flute and guitar 5:05
9 Epigram VII for baritone and piano 3:16
10 Triangulum for violin, cello and piano 6:06
11 Locus amoenus for soprano and piano 5:49

player #7, Flatus III, fragm, 3 min 22 sec, mp3
player #8, Epigram VI, fragm, 3 min 22 sec, mp3

Performed by: Kaia Urb − soprano (#8, 11), Sauli Tiilikainen − baritone (#2, 9), Neeme Punder − flute (#1, 7, 8), Mihkel Peäske − flute (#5), Olev Ainomäe − oboe (#7), Meelis Vind − clarinet (#7), Rait Erikson − French horn (#7), Kaido Suss − bassoon (#7), Harry Traksmann − violin (#1, 5, 10), Arvo Haasma − viola (#5), Leho Karin − cello (#5), Silver Ainomäe − cello (#4), Marius Järvi − cello (#4), Teet Järvi − cello (#10), Marrit Gerretz-Traksmann − celesta (#5), Eda Peäske − harp (#5), Kristo Käo − guitar (#3), Tiit Peterson − guitar (#1, 8), Ralf Taal − piano (#6), Mihkel Mattisen − piano (#4), Tarmo Eespere − piano (#2, 9–11)

Recorded by Estonian Broadcasting Corporation (ERR) 2003–2009
Engineered by Aili Jõeleht (#6), Tanel Klesment (#3, 5), Mati Brauer (#1, 2, 9), Maido Maadik (#4, 7, 8, 10, 11)
Mastered by Maido Maadik
Liner notes by Evi Arujärv
Translated by Riho Maimets
Booklet edited by Inna Kivi and Tiina Jokinen
Design by Mart Kivisild
Photos by Fred Jüssi and Gert Kelu (Eesti Foto)
Co-produced by Peeter Vähi
Published by Edition Eisenberg, except Triangulum published by ERP

© René Eespere 2009
ERP 3209

ImagetextIt is as if the motives left open in the music of René Eespere (1953) beg the question: who am I in the midst of this mortal world? And this is his way to uncompromisingly represent the ethical art of the past.
René Eespere gained recognition in his native Estonia in the 1970s and 1980s for his vocal-symphonic opuses, works for the stage and his music for children.  The music composed in this period is characterised by deep research into human values. His later works, including his opera Gourmets (2005), draw attention to the more painful aspects of the human existence.The most significant among his instrumental works are seven concerti and chamber music.
The music of René Eespere has always had a clearly defined texture. Over time, its aesthetics have changed, from diatonic minimalism and baroque influences to the use of chromatic and linear voice-leading techniques, and a more conscientious treatment of timbre.
This is the eighth commercially released compact disc of René Eespere’s music, featuring chamber works written in the years 2002–2009. It is entitled Februa, alluding to the Roman festival of purification, which is marked also by the contents of the CD, in which sadness and a state of mourning take the listener on a journey to a sun-filled place of beauty and peace.

Press resonance: René Eespere on üks neid heliloojaid, kes järgib muusika kirjutamisel loomuliku kulgemise rada… Plaadi valik on stiilne, ühtne… P.S. Ma ei küüni päriselt mõistma heliloojate üha süvenevat tendentsi panna üpris pretensioonikaid ladinakeelseid pealkirju… (Virve Normet, Muusika, 04 / 2010, Estonia)