Double CD: music composed and arranged for a firework event.

CD I #1 The Flutish Kingdom 15:34
CD I #2 Being And Nothingness In Kostabi’s Atelier 25:12
CD II #1 Saatus / Fate 21:55
CD II #2 2000 Years After The Birth Of Christ 27:28

ImagetextImagetext Performed by: Neeme Punder – flutes (I, #1), Siiri Sisask – vocal (I, #2), Kirile Loo – vocal (II, #1), Early Music Consort Hortus Musicus / artistic director Andres Mustonen (II, #2), Kaia Urb – soprano (II, #2), the soloists of Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (I, #2), Igor Tõnurist – Jew’s harp, straw whistle, vocal (II, #1), Tuule Kann – kannel / psaltery (II, #1), Peter Finger – guitar (II, #1), Boris Salchak – vocal, shaman drum (II, #1), Mongush Mergen – vocal (I, #2), a nightingale of Estonian forests (I, #1), the bass group of Estonian National Male Choir RAM / conductor Kristjan Järvi, English Handbell Ensemble Arsis / conductor Aivar Mäe (I, #1), The Bad Orchestra (II, #2), Peeter Vähi – electronics, percussion, background vocals

Lyrics: trad (II, #1), German Christian poets of 16–18th cent (II, #2), Siiri Sisask (II, #1)
Recorded at the studios of Estonian Radio and Tallinn City Hall (Matrix Audio Studio), 1990–1999
Mastered at the studio of Estonian Academy of Music
Engineered by Teet Kehlmann, Priit Kuulberg, Rauno Remme
Photos by Ann Tenno, Jaanus Heinla, Tõnu Tormis, F G Hoephner
Commissioned by P & P Firework Centre
Published by Erdenklang (Germany) and Edition 49 (Germany)
Salumuusik CD-1054

Tamula Fire Collage is like a summary of Peeter Vähi’s projects of the 90ties in co-operation with various musicians of classical and early music, also ethno and rock. It is indeed a multiple collage – fragments of old recordings are mixed together with the most recent abstracts, acoustic sounds are in confusion with the electronic world of sounds, it is a meeting place for Fire and Music, Heaven and Water, New York and a little-known country called Maarjamaa (in Estonian ‘Virgin Mary’s Land’)…
The Flutish Kingdom: partly based on the melodies of Jacob van Eyck, a blind flautist of 17th cent. Co-arranger Neeme Punder.

Being And Nothingness In Kostabi’s Atelier: inspired by Mark Kostabi’s paintings The Cellist, For Love Or Money, Being And Nothingness In The Artist’s Atelier, Modern Times, Lovers, Automatic Painting, and Classic Decision. Lyrics and vocal arrangements by Siiri Sisask.

Imagetext  Imagetext  Imagetext

CD I #2, Being and Nothingness in Kostabi’s Atelier, fragm, 3 min 53 sec, mp3, 320 Kbps

CD II #1, Saatus / Fate, fragm, 3 min 53 sec, mp3, 320 Kbps

See also other recordings of Siiri Sisask: Being And Nothingness In Kostabi’s Atelier, PS Best Regards From Tallinn And Moscow, Rahuriik

Saatus / Fate
: partly based on Estonia folk tunes, trad lyrics (Cross Dance and Let’s Go, Men!) in different Estonian dialects, vocal arrangements by Kirile Loo.
2000 Years After The Birth Of Christ: lyrics by the German Christian poets of 17th−18th centuries – Martin Luther, Benjamin Schmolck, and Gerhard Tersteegen.

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Discography of Peeter Vähi