11/07/2019 19:00

St John's Church, Tartu

Performers: Selvadore Rähni (clarinet, Iceand), Elina Nechayeva (coloratura soprano), Eneli Hiiemaa (flute), Glasperlenspiel Sinfonietta, Andres Mustonen (violin, conductor)
Programme: Bach, Mozart, Mozart-Adam, Vähi

 ElinaNechayeva SelvadoreRahniCD

Selvadore Rähni is one of the most famous Estonian clarinetists in the world. Active as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player, he is well-known in Japan, where he served as the principal clarinetist of the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra from 1997. He hold that position until 2005 and recorded as principal clarinet with KSO for the National TV and Radio of Japan as well as record company Arte Nova. As guest principal clarinet Selvadore has played with Württemberg, Pforzheim, Polish and Czech chamber orchestras as well as with Osaka and Yamanamy festival orchestras and the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. As a soloist, Selvadore at the age of 16 had a debut with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in Tallinn and Moscow.

Selvadore has also a brilliant educational backround. From 1986 to 1991 Rähni studied clarinet with Rein Karin and Vahur Vurm in the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, having meanwhile studies at the Estonian Humanitarian Institute. From 1991 to 1997, he studied at the University of Music Karlsruhe with Prof Wolfgang Meyer, where he completed his postgraduate and doctoral studies, graduating with honors in 2001. He also improved his skills further through additional studies under the guidance of Prof Alain Damiens in Paris from 1993 to 1997. Selvadore Rähni has given clarinet master courses in Japan, Spain, Estonia, and Germany.

Special thanks: Eda Zahharova