Girls’ choir ELLERHEIN
Sevara Nazarhkan
Tiia-Ester Loitme

Contemporary Christian and Buddhist music.

Missa Nona for girls’ choir
1 Kyrie 4:43
2 Gloria 3:51
3 Sanctus – Benedictus 4:30
4 Agnus Dei 5:58
5 Green Tārā, cantata for a female voice, girls’ choir, trombones and percussion 26:45

Performed by:
Girls’ Choir Ellerhein
Tiia-Ester Loitme, conductor
Sevara Nazarkhan, vocal (#5)
Trombonists and percussionists of the Estonian National Opera (#5)
Ülle Sander, chorus master (#1−4)
Katrin Kuldjärv, piano (#1−4)

Patronaged by His Holiness XXXVII Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche (#5)
Recorded at Estonian Radio in 2002 (#5) and 2008 (#1−4)
Engineered by Mati Brauer (#1−4), Maido Maadik (#5) and Priit Kuulberg (#5)
Photos from internet and by Peeter Vähi
Designed by Piret Mikk
Booklet texts compiled by Liina Viru

Produced by Ellerhein, Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) and Estonian Record Productions
Special thanks to Real World Records (#5)

2008 Ellerhein
Manufactured by Sony DADC, Austria

György Orbán. Missa Nona, Sanctus − Benedictus, fragment, 2 min 32 sec, mp3

Peeter Vähi. Green Tārā, fragment, 3 min 5 sec, mp3

See also a fragment (compilation) of Green Tārā on You Tube


Missa Nona

Lyrics – trad

ImagetextMissa Nona is a concert setting of the traditional mass ordinary text. György Orbán’s writing is harmonically centric and modal.
The piece was commissioned by the Japanese Women’ Choir Angelica and premièred on March 14th, 2000. Missa Nona requires an ensemble with great mental and physical stamina. The piece is characterised by intricate rhythms and modal shifts that should all blend in beautiful and free choral singing.

Kyrie, eleison,
Christe, eleison,
Kyrie, eleison.
Lord, have mercy on us,
Christ, have mercy on us,
Lord, have mercy on us.
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Laudamus te. Benedicimus te.
Adoramus te. Glorificamus te.
Gratias agimus tibi
propter magnam gloriam tuam.
Domine Deus,
Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris,
Qui tollis peccata mundi, Miserere nobis,
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
suscipe deprecationem nostrum.
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris,
Miserere nobis.
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus.
Tu solus Dominus.
Tu solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe.
Cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris,
Glory to God in the highest.
And on earth peace to men of good will.
We praise Thee. We bless Thee.
We worship Thee. We glorify Thee.
We give Thee thanks
for Thy great glory.
O Lord God,
Heavenly King, God the Father almighty.
Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son.
Lord, God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us,
Who takest away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer.
Who sittest at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For Thou alone art holy.
Thou alone art Lord.
Thou alone, O Jesus Christ,
together with the Holy Ghost,
art most high in the glory of Father, Amen.
Sanctus – Benedictus
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis.
qui venit in nomine Domini.
Hosanna in excelsis.
Sanctus – Benedictus
Holy, holy, holy
Lord God of Hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:
miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:
dona nobis pacem.
Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world:
grant us peace.


Green Tara


Avalokiteshvara strived many years to help all beings achieve Enlightenment. When he had delivered millions of beings, he noticed that there were many more suffering. He started crying out of compassion and his tears formed a lake in which a lotus sprung up. When the lotus opened, the goddess Tārā was revealed, saying “Don’t be sad, I will help you.”
Green Tārā sits on the lotus with her right hand in the mudra of supreme generosity, expressing the ability to give all beings what they need. Her left hand that is raised above her heart is in the refuge-granting mudra: her thumb and index finger are pressed together, symbolising the unity of method and wisdom. The remaining three fingers are extended upward, symbolising Buddha, dharma and sangha. She holds a blue lotus flower in both hands. Both flowers have three blossoms, showing that Tārā, the representation of enlightened action, is the mother of past, present and future Buddhas. Green Tārā has royal silk clothes, rainbow-coloured stockings, a short white blouse and jewellery. The latter symbolise Tārā’s perfect generosity and her high morals. The tiara that she wears on her black hair is adorned with jewels. There is a red ruby in the middle, the symbol of Amitabha, the mentor of Tārā and the head of a Buddhist school. Tara sits on the throne of lotus with her left leg bent up against her body, symbolising the renunciation of earthly pleasures and her right leg extended, showing her readiness to attend to those who call upon her. Her eyes are filled with compassion towards all beings. Her emerald green colour is connected with change and the element of air, expressing her ability to act quickly in order to help all beings. Modern Buddhist folklore is full of stories in which Tārā has snatched people from the jaws of death or has helped people to get away from robbers. Tārā protects from eight fears that have internal and external aspects, such as lions = pride, thieves = delusions, floods = desire and attachment, fire = hatred and anger, elephants = ignorance, snakes = jealousy, evil spirits and demons = doubts and bondage = avarice.

Traditional lyrics compiled by Ven Khenpo Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche
English translation by Michael G Essex

To the assembly of the Bhagawati deities,
the embodiment of the Triple Gem,
I and others take refuge until Enlightenment is achieved.
In order to protect all sentient beings from fears of sansara
I cultivate the two types of bodhicitta.

Om Shunyata Jana Vajra Svabhava Atma Koham

All the phenomena of grasping and fixation dissolve into emptiness.
The vast protections manifest from that emptiness.
At the center is a lotus and moon disk.
On that is a green TAM, the nature of ones awareness.
Light radiates and purifies the obscuration of all sentient beings.
It then makes offering to all the Buddhas and returns.
I become Tārā with one face and two arms in giving mudra,
holding a green lotus, two legs in the half lotus posture,
with a dignified youthful form, blue-green in colour,
wearing silken robes and jewel ornaments,
radiating light, in the Sambhogakaya form.
Light manifests to all directions from three syllables
in the three places bringing all the Buddha’s wisdom,
compassion and activities, which dissolve into me.
I become the embodiment of the Sugatas of three times.

Om arya Tare sapari vara argham pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara padyam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara pushpam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara dhupam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara alokam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara ghandhe pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara nevidyam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara shapta pratitsa svaha.

The crowns of gods and demigods pay homage to your lotus feet,
you, who liberate from all unfavorable conditions,
I praise and prostrate to Mother Tārā.

On a moon disk at the heart level is a TAM syllable surrounded by the mantra,
radiating light to all the Buddhas bringing back the blessings which dissolve into me,
revealing the inseparability of appearance and emptiness,
the nature of the infinite qualities of all Buddhas.
Again from the mantra,
infinite light radiates which transforms all outer phenomena into Dewachen,
all beings into Tārā’s forms, all reciting the secret mantra.

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha

Om arya Tare sapari vara argham pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara padyam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara pushpam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara dhupam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara alokam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara ghandhe pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara nevidyam pratitsa svaha,
Om arya Tare sapari vara shapta pratitsa svaha.

The crowns of gods and demigods pay homage to your lotus feet,
you, who liberate from all unfavorable conditions,
I praise and prostrate to Mother Tārā.

All outer and inner phenomena melt into light and dissolve into me.
I also melt into the nonobjectified unfabricated Dharmadhatu,
the ultimate clear light Dharmakaya, the great bliss.
All is in the Mahamudra state – ordinary mind.

By this virtue and virtue accumulated in sansara and nirvana,
and the innate nature,
may all the mother sentient beings countless as infinite space attain the form of Noble Tārā,
free from rejection and acceptance,
the state of great wisdom which is liberated from the five poisons.

Dorje Chang, Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Dharma Lord Gampopa,
Phagmodrupa and Lord Drikungpa,
please bestow upon us the most auspicious blessing of all the Kagyu Lamas.
By this virtue may I achieve the all knowing state and may all who travel on the waves of birth,
old age, sickness and death cross the ocean of sansara by defeating all enemies-confusion (the cause of suffering).
Bodhicitta, the excellent and precious mind.
Where it is unborn, may it arise.
Where it is born, may it not decline, but ever increase, higher and higher.

I pray that the Lama may have good health and long life.
I pray that your Dharma activities spread far and wide.
I pray that I may not be separated from you.
As Manjushri and likewise Samantabhadra realized the ultimate state, Buddhahood,
I will follow in their path and share the merit for all sentient beings.
By the blessing of the Buddha who attained the three kayas;
by the blessing of the truth of the unchanging Dharma-as-such;
by the blessing of the indivisible Sangha order;
may the merit I share bear fruit.

By the virtues collected in the three times by myself and all beings in sansara and nirvana,
and the innate root of virtue,
may I and all sentient beings quickly attain unsurpassed, perfect, complete, precious Enlightenment.

May the teaching of the Great Drikungpa Ratna Shri,
who is omniscient, Lord of the Dharma, Master of interdependence,
continue and increase, trough study, practice,
contemplation and meditation until the end of sansara.
Sarva Mangalam.

In the unborn Dharmathatu abides the Reverend Mother, the deity Tārā.
She bestows happiness on all sentient beings.
I request to protect me from all fears.
Trough not understanding oneself as Dharmakaya, one’s mind is overpowered by the kleshas.
Our mother, sentient beings, wander in sansara.
Please protect them, Deity Mother.
If the meaning of Dharma is not born in one’s heart,
one just follows the words of conventional meaning.

Some are deceived by dogma.
Please protect them, Perfect Mother.
It is difficult to realize one’s mind.
Some realize, but do not practice.
Their minds wander to worldly activities.
Please protect them, Deity Mother of Recollection.
Non-dual wisdom is the self-born mind.
By the habits of grasping at duality, some are bound, no matter what they do.
Please protect them, Deity of Non-dual Wisdom.
Although some abide in the Perfect Meaning (shunyata),
they don’t realize the interdependence of cause and effect.
They are ignorant of the meaning of object of knowledge.
Please protect them, Omniscient Deity Mother.
The nature of space is free from boundaries.
Nothing is different from that.
Still, practitioners and disciples don’t realize this.
Please protect them, Perfect Buddha Mother.


Tallinn Children’s Choir was founded in 1951 by Heino Kaljuste. In 1969 the choir was named Ellerhein. A year later, Tiia-Ester Loitme began working with the choir as an assistant conductor and since 1989 she has been the choir’s chief conductor. The choir’s current assistant conductor and music theory teacher is Ülle Sander, the accompanist is Katrin Kuldjärv and the vocal coach is Eha Pärg.
Ellerhein has received wide international acclaim for its beautiful sound and is the winner of many choir competitions. The choir has received the 1st prize in Celje (Slovenia, 1977), Powell River (Canada, 1988), Giessen (Germany, 1990 and 1997), Tolosa (Spain, 1990 and 1997), Nantes (France, 1993), Tallinn (Estonia, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2008), Arezzo (Italy, 1994), Ankara (Turkey, 2005), Wuppertal (Germany, 2007), as well as the European Grand Prix in Tolosa (Spain, 1997), Takarazuka (Japan, 1995), Tolosa (Spain, 1997). In 2007 the choir won the Estonian Radio prize “The Best Estonian Choir” and in 2008 they won the Grand Prix at the international choir competition Kathaumixw in Canada. At the same competition they also received the 2nd prize in folk & cultural traditions category.


The choir has been a frequent visitor to Japan, where the highlight of their tour in 2005 was the performance at Tokyo City Opera concert hall. The choir has worked closely with conductor Chifuru Matsubara and as a result, the recording companies BMG, Victor JVC and M&I Company have produced five discs with Ellerhein performing Estonian music. In 2004 the choir’s recording career culminated with the winning of the prestigious Grammy Award for the Virgin Classics recording of Jean Sibelius’ cantatas. In 2005, New York Times named their Virgin Classics recording of Peer Gynt one of the most outstanding recordings of the year. The next year the choir received the BBC Music Magazine award in the category of orchestral music.

Ellerhein has worked with prominent conductors such as Paavo Järvi, Neeme Järvi, Gilbert Kaplan, Andrey Chistyakov, Peeter Lilje, Saulius Sondeckis, Arvo Volmer, Eri Klas, Anu Tali, Chifuru Matsubara, Tõnu Kaljuste, Olari Elts, Andres Mustonen, Paul Mägi and others.

Since 2003 Ellerhein is a member of Europa Cantat, European Federation of Young Choirs.

Tiia-Ester Loitme

ImagetextTiia-Ester Loitme graduated from Estonian Academy of Music in 1965 (Prof Gustav Ernesaks). In 1970 she started working with the girls’ choir Ellerhein and since 1989 she has been the choir’s chief conductor. In 1975–81 she simultaneously taught at Estonian Academy of Music, and in 1980 she studied under the guidance of Prof V Sokolov at the Moscow State Conservatoire. Tiia-Ester Loitme has lead Ellerhein to many international victories and her contribution to Estonian music has earned her several prizes, such as Gustav Ernesaks Choir Music Award (1995), Order of the White Star (1997), the Tallinn City Honorary Decoration (1998), the Estonian Cultural Endowment prize (2003), Grammy Award for the best choral performance for the Virgin Classics record of Jean Sibelius’ cantatas (2004), the Third class Order of the White Star (2005), Honorary Member of the Estonian Choral Association (2007), Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette (Japan, 2008), Musician of the Year (2008).

Sevara Nazarkhan

ImagetextSevara Nazarkhan is a talented Uzbek singer, songwriter and musician, who possesses a repertoire of beautiful songs based on the sufi tradition and on the rich national Uzbek tradition. Sevara, having a natural enchanting voice, began her career as a singer in 1998 when she started singing at the all female doutar quartet. Her breakthrough came in 2000 when she took part in the Festival WOMAD (World of Music, Art and Dance) in Redding, England. She was signed up by the recording company Real World.
In 2003 Sevara Nazarkhan was nominated the top singer in the Asia-Pacific Region – and won the title in the contest of BBC Radio 3 World Music Awards. A year later, she earned the title “Musician of the Year 2004” in the category of World Music by the BBC. In 2005, she debuted as a producer on the Calabash-released, BBC3-award-winning Gozal Dema.

Distribution in Estonia by Easy-Living Music,, phone (+372) 51 06058
Download Green Tārā from CCn’C

Other recordings with Ellerhein: Tormis. Nüüd ep on ilus elada, The Hand Of God, Ellerhein. Estonian Choral Music
Other recordings of Peeter Vähi: Maria Magdalena, Hommage à brillance de Lune, In the Mystical Land of Kaydara, Supreme Silence, A Chant Of Bamboo, To His Highness Salvador D, 2000 Years After The Birth Of Christ, The Path To The Heart Of Asia, Tamula Fire Collage, Sounds Of The Silver Moon